Episode 8: My Son Only Eats Chicken Nuggets! (A Rant)

I assume every parent has been here:

You put thought into what you’re going to make your family for dinner.

You put love into something that you’re cooking.

You develop a sense of pride in your hard work.

In the culinary arts, presentation is almost as important as the flavors you worked hard to develop. So, you make sure to choose the right colored, plastic plate and assemble the dish in such a way as none of the items on the small plate are touching.

You proudly lay your epicurean delight in front of your child and instead of praise, you are met with an all-too-familiar complaint… “but daddy, I don’t want that!”

You let out all of your crushing disappointment and self-pity in one exasperated sigh before asking a question for which you already know the answer, “Well, what do you want?”


This episode is a rant. It’s something that I continue to struggle with as a food enthusiast. I could make the world’s greatest meal. I could win an award for said meal and no matter how critically acclaimed that meal would be, my son would much rather have chicken nuggets.

I hope this is just a phase.


Episode 7: My 5 Favorite Things to Grill